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Frequently Asked Questions

See the list below of frequently asked questions. Still, looking for an answer to a question and can't find it on the website? Reach out to the Clerk's office and we're happy to help you!

Call 920-269-4112 or email




Question: Where do I dispose of grass clippings, yard waste, and brush?



Grass clippings and miscellaneous yard waste such as flowers, leaves and plant trimmings can be brought to the Village dump site located at 100 Pleasant Hill Avenue. The dump site is open for Village residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   Grass clippings and miscellaneous yard waste should not be placed on the terrace and will not be picked up. 

Brush can be placed on the terrace.  Brush (sticks and branches) which is large enough to chip (generally at least ½” in diameter, yet no more than 4” in diameter and at least three feet long) may be piled loose on the terrace or in a 5-gallon bucket and should be placed with cut ends all pointing in the same direction as the traffic travels in the lane closest to your property. Branches should not be more than 10’ long.  All yokes and wyes more than 1 ½” in size must be cut through.  Small brush of ½” diameter or less should be put in a solid container.  Brush placed in bags or cardboard boxes will not be picked up.   If a tree trimming service is hired for maintenance at your residence, that business is required to dispose of the tree brush.  Public Works will limit brush chipping to one hour per residence per week so as to better serve the community. 


Please do not place brush on the curb more than 24 hours prior to collection.  Collection will be on Mondays as weather permits.  Help keep the Village of Lomira attractive!


Quick Guide for Yard Waste




Question: What are the garbage and recycling guidelines?



                                 Refuse/Recycling Program for Single Family, Duplex and Mobile Home Residences

Garbage and recycling services for single family homes, duplexes and mobile homes are provided by Waste Management.  Any bulky item that does not fit into the carts can be disposed of by contacting Waste Management at 1-888-960-0008.  Provide Waste Management with your name, address and the item(s) to be picked up.  They will bill you over the phone.  Bulky items pick up is scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month.  Waste Management will only pick up the bulky items if you have called them to schedule the pick-up. 

            Apartments and businesses need to contract their own garbage and recycling services and bulky item pick up. 

           All residents may utilize the bulk waste drop off day held in May.       MORE INFO





Question: Do I have to license my dog and/or cat?



All residents who have dogs and/or cats in the Village of Lomira need to have their pets licensed each year.  Licenses are valid for the calendar year (January 1 to December 31). 

Licenses must be obtained BEFORE APRIL 1 to avoid a penalty.  Owners must show proof of rabies vaccination from their veterinarian to obtain a dog/cat license.  A proof of rabies vaccination includes the rabies serial number, date the vaccination was given and date the vaccination expires. Dog and cat license fees are as follows:  Dogs/cats spayed/neutered $10.00 each, dogs/cats un-spayed/un-neutered $15.00 each.  All dogs and cats need to be licensed.

Failure to have your dog/cat properly licensed can result in a citation issued by the Police Department per pet per occurrence. Click HERE for more info.







Question: When is the Village-wide Rummage sale?


Answer:  The Village is promoting two rummage sale dates in 2023 so households who wish to have a rummage sale will get more traffic/sales. Lomira village-wide rummage sale dates are set for May 12th - 14th, June 2nd - 4th, and September 8th - 10th.  If you are interested in posting an ad for your rummage sale, please contact the Dodge County Pionier at 920-387-2211. 





Question: What are the available rental properties within the Village?


Answer: Click HERE for a list




Question: I am moving out of my current residence in Lomira. Who should I contact regarding my sewer and water account?  OR I am moving out of Lomira. Who should I contact regarding my sewer and water account? 


Answer:  If you are moving out of a residence and/or moving into a Lomira residence or have a question on your bill, please contact the Village Clerk's office at (920) 269-4112 option 2.  If you are moving out, the Clerk will need your forwarding address to close your account.  If you are moving into a new residence, the Clerk will need to set up an account for you. 






Visit:   425 Water Street   Lomira, WI 53048

Call:   920.269.4112       


LOMIRA LOGO LG_edited.png

Village of Lomira

Dodge County, WI

Population 2,699

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